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Challenge 21 / NO Under 18's for sunbed use - Spray Tan only - UV Free Tanning - Free Parking - Open 7 Days a week

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Important Guidelines


    1. Read the operating instructions.

    2. Only one person should use the sun bed at a time.

    3. The user must wear U.V eye protection when using the bed; failure to do so may result in severe burn or long-term eye injury.

    4. You should leave at least 24 hours between each use of the sun bed.

    5. This appliance should never be used if the timer or filter is faulty.

    6. Do not sunbathe on the same day as you have used the sun bed.

    7. Seek medical advice if lumps, bumps, and pigmented moles appear on the skin.

    8. Remove any creams or makeup before using the sun bed and do not apply any sunscreens.

    9. Please note, if using the sun bed after a holiday, care should be taken on the unexposed areas as these may be more sensitive to U.V.

    10. Do not use the U.V equipment if your skin is particularly sensitive to sunlight, under the age of 18, has fair/sensitive skin that burns easily, or tans slowly or poorly.

      • Have a history of sunburn.

      • A large number of freckles and have red hair.

      • A large number of moles.

      • Are taking medications or using creams that sensitize the skin to sunlight.

      • Have a medical condition that’s worsened by the sunlight (or if you or any family member has had skin cancer) or have excessive skin that has been damaged by sunlight.

    11. DANGER - Ultraviolet radiation. Follow the instructions, avoid overexposure. As with natural sunlight, overexposure can cause skin injury and allergic reactions. Repeated exposure may cause premature aging of the skin or skin cancer. If you are using any medications or have a history of skin problems or believe you are especially sensitive to sunlight, consult your doctor before use. If you do not tan in the sun, you are unlikely to tan from this product.

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EXPOSURE SCHEDULE - In order to avoid acute injury or delayed adverse reaction, the user should follow this recommended exposure schedule to build and maintain a tan:




Please note if you cease using the sunbeds for 2 weeks or more, you will need to revive the exposure schedule. Know your skin type! See staff for consultation.

Tanning sessions should be limited to once every 24 hours and should not exceed 600 minutes in one year. The skin may not show any coloring for as long as 6 to 8 hours after being exposed. The appearance of tanning normally becomes visible after a few exposures and maximizes after 4 weeks of exposure, following the recommended exposure schedule. If you do not tan in the sun, you are unlikely to tan in the unit, and we would recommend that you do not use this product.


What BodyGlow does to promote responsible tanning


As members of The Sunbed Association, we have made an environment that customers can tan safely whilst using our facilities, as our friendly knowledgeable team of tanning consultants have over 25+ years’ experience within the industry! When booking a sunbed session, our staff will complete a tanning consultation to check your skin type, complete your I.D check and get you signed up on our booking system, then finally show you to our modern sunbeds where you will be shown how to change the sunbed settings to your preference to maximize your experience, and tan! For more information on our sunbeds, please visit our Sunbed Menu.


We are proud to be part of The Sun Bed Association, where we have maintained our membership, meaning we are compliant and informed. BodyGlow complies to the regulation governing the maximum UV output of sunbeds, generally referred to as 0.3, which is approved by the EU and complies with all British & European consumer safety regulations. A 0.3 tanning session delivers the same tanning effects as the midday Mediterranean summer sun.


We provide free disposable eye protection, also stock reusable igoggles as using eye protection is a must.


Any questions you may have, our team’s available to assist in the salon or contactable via our Social Media accounts.


How can you improve your tan responsibly


Building a tan must be done gradually to suit your skin type, also frequency of your sessions does need to be altered if you are say building your tan, rather than maintaining it. A consequence of rushing the natural tanning process is sunburn. Speak with our staff to get the correct advice to get that deeper, longer-lasting tan.

By keeping your skin hydrated, healthy and moisturised this will increase your tanning results. We stock various ranges of UV-specific lotions which will encourage the production of melanin during the tanning process. Please ensure you check any lotions/products if you have allergies or medical conditions, prior to purchasing and using them. If you are unsure, please speak with a member of staff.

In between tanning sessions, it’s important that you look after your skin. If the skin is hydrated, the UV rays will penetrate more deeply, whereas if the skin is dry, it has more reflective surface resulting in a shallow tan that will fade quickly. Using lotions designed for sunbed sessions will also keep the skin hydrated, which in turn can simulate processes in the skin that has anti-aging benefits.

For more information on our lotions, visit our Lotion Menu.


When using sunbeds, it is very important that you are not over-exposed to UV. It is advisable that you do not tan outdoors in direct sunlight within the same 24-hour period that you use a sunbed.

Eye Protection

We provide free eye protection to every customer as it is essential; please either use disposable eye protection we provide free of charge, or reusable eye protection designed specifically for sunbed usage. This is to protect your eyes from the effects of UV light exposure which could potentially cause short- term or long-term damage. UV is more damaging to the eyes, than the skin therefore eye protection is vital.


Benefits of using sunbeds responsibly


Vitamin D is essential for good health. Sunlight is the most effective way for the body to manufacture Vitamin D. In the UK and Ireland with its relatively long winters, you get less sun over the course of the year because the sunlight isn't strong enough to make Vitamin D in the winter.


38% of sunbed users do so for a pre-holiday tan. Whilst the sun protection factor from a sunbed tan does not provide total protection, people having a base tan, are less likely to over-expose themselves during the initial days of a holiday. 88% of the UK population has skin types that can tan successfully in a controlled environment, a benefit of being tanned is seen as looking and feeling healthier.

**Source: The Sunbed Association**

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